Project Management Software and Its Need

Project management software is a terminology that takes various types of software into consideration. Various types of software include cost-control, budget management, scheduling, communication, documentation etc. These all software’s are used so that a small or large project can be handled effectively and efficiently. In order for the software systems to work, the person needs to apply his skills, knowledge so that the project can be planned, utilized the resources and cost available and last but not least complete the project as per the deadline set. The various features like having charts, resource tracking, budgets, scheduling report generation are all encapsulated functions of the software system.

Need of Project Management Software

Any small or large project i.e. designing a new building for a company or designing a new box packaging for shoes when initiated needs to be managed. Every project is made up with different elements. Elements like human resources, paperwork etc have to work hand in hand so that the project is executed smoothly which ensures that the project is completed before deadline and the budget is not exceeded. There are loads of software tools available which can help the organization in managing the project. The organization can use tools that provide Gantt charts i.e. visual aids to analyse the overall project status.

Various Project Management Softwares

Gantt chart

A visual display i.e. chart which displays the progress of the project in terms of breakdown of individual task with the time limit for the respective task. The progress can be monitored easily with Gantt chart as it displays relationship between various task and elements that are in the project.

PERT Chart

PERT is an abbreviation for Program Evaluation and Review Technique. It offers functions which are very similar to Gantt chart but PERT identifies or determines the critical path of the project as well. The chart was developed by US Navy as they have to handle very complex tasks.

Bug and Defect Tracking

The software system helps the human resource in identifying and reporting the errors, bugs and defect in the software system so they can be fixed at the earliest.

Time Sheet Tracking

When some of the team members are working on 2 or more projects simultaneously, they have to record the time spent on each project which can be very easily with Time Sheet Tracking. This time sheet is then sent to the management for their approval.

Group Management

The tool is very similar to group discussion that takes place on intranet especially. The members working in different department and on same project use this as means of communication to clarify their doubts and queries in regards to the project or task.
The use of software and tools for the project entirely depends on the complexity of the project which could range from less complex project to company-wide very complex project. The tools can be bought as a stand-alone product by paying one off cost or they can be used as Web based service by paying subscription fees. The complexity and number of the projects can be the best determinant.